First off, I should apologize for not updating sooner. I haven't forgot about this blog! Work has been crazy, I worked a little overtime this week, which is always good for the paycheck, but not so good for my personal sanity. ;) I want to update this blog at least once a week with stories about my life as a Personal Banker and my own personal finances.
On Wednesday, I applied for a new position within the bank I work for. I stayed up all night to work on my resume and even skipped dinner to make sure it was absolutely perfect before I applied. Everyone has been busy due to our recent merger with another bank, so I don't expect to hear from the recruiter until late next week or even the following week. I hope I get the job, because it is a nice raise in my base salary, plus higher commission payouts. It also involves working with a more sophisticated clientel, specifically our business clients.
As I promised in my first post, I should probably give you a list of my personal debts/assets. I would very much love to be debt-free. Even if I only had my car payment, that would be fine with me. Now, it seems as though the more money I make, the more money I spend. I used to have quite a bit of money in the bank and no credit card debt. But that has changed over the last few years. I hate to admit it. It seems ironic that a banker who knows all about personal finance would have such debt. I don't have as much as some people, but I have way more than what I'm comfortable with.
I'll be the first to admit I've made some stupid choices. I haven't used all my money wisely. But that stops now. No more. I'm getting rid of my debt once and for all. Not all of it is from unwise spending, however. I did have several large medical bills that needed to get paid, so I put those on credit. But I am absolutely done spending on unnecessary items. I want this debt gone!
Here is a look at my income, expenses, debts, and savings. As I said in my previous post, I do work on commission,

It was quite a shock to tally up the debt totals. I feel ashamed and embarrassed. A lot of the PF blogs out there talk about their debt and income and savings. I hope to achieve financial freedom and build my savings/retirement!
If anyone has any blogging tips/paying off debt tips, please share them! =)
- Bank Gal