This weekend I was terribly sick with a horrible sore throat and a nasty cough. I still have the cough, but my throat seems to be better this morning. I was afraid I had bronchitis or even strep-throat. But it seems like it was just a 48-hour bug. Unfortunately, it completely ruined my weekend. However, it kept me indoors so I didn't go anywhere or spend any money, which is a good thing because I have $33 until I get paid on Friday. That shouldn't be a problem since I'll be bringing my lunch to work most days this week and buying the cheap coffee from the gas station next door instead of hitting up Starbucks.
J leaves for Boston on Tuesday where he'll be doing work for his dad and talking to an Air Force recruiter while he's there. And even though I'll miss him terribly, it will definitely save me money. It's much easier to budget for one person than it is for two people, so J being gone will essientially save me some money.
I'm also going to start posting my weekly budget, like the way My Pretty Pennies does. I love how she starts with her beginning balance, then her weekly spending, then the ending balance. She is paid monthly, where as I am paid every 15th and 31st (or 30th). So, each pay day I'll begin with my starting balance, then list my weekly expenditures, then my ending balance, then start all over again on the next pay day. I'm excited to track it like this and I think it'll help keep me focused.
and sorry to hear that you were sick :( i agree it def. helps save money though!