As a banker, I use my checkbook register religiously. I don't just use it for checks (because I don't write many checks, I use online billpay), but I use it for all my debit card transactions and everything that goes on in my checking account. To me, it's shocking how many people don't use a register to keep track of their accounts. And usually, such behavior results in overdraft fees.
I usually don't have much sympathy for customers who don't keep track of their accounts. Most people will say they look at their online banking, but even online banking doesn't show everything. I know that when I put gas in my car, gas transactions never show up on my online banking until they've been officially posted to my account. What about checks written that haven't been cashed yet? Those don't show on the online banking until they've processed and cleared the bank. So how do you possibly get an accurate balance in your account without the check register?
Maybe I'm just old-school, but I've been keeping a register for over 6 years and never in my life have I had an overdraft fee. I always stress to high school kids who come in for their first checking account that they need to use a register. I'll even pull mine out and show them how it works and explain debit versus credit. I try to educate our customers.
So I'm just curious, how do you keep track of your account?
I don't think I could ever give up the check register. I realize a lot of people use their credit card for all their primary spending, which then I understand it might not be necessary to utilize the register. But it just scares me when I learn people who use their debit card a lot and do multiple transactions every single day don't use a register.
If you have a system that works for you, then great! But you'd think that after hundreds of overdraft fees, some people would learn their lesson and watch their spending a little more closely. I've seen customers with upwards of $2,000+ overdraft fees each year. That's like an extra mortgage payment or 3 pairs of Manolos, or 400 trips to Starbucks.
I'll keep my register because I like being in control and know exactly what my balance is at any given time.