Friday, August 21, 2009
J paid me back for the $210 credit card payment I made for him last week. In fact, he gave me $10 extra! So after plotting for a week how I was going to spend the money, I decided the best thing to do was split it up into a couple different accounts. I really need to beef up my savings a little, especially since I have nothing saved for Christmas and I've taken so much out of my emergency fund lately. Here is how I'm dividing up my $220:

  • $100 to Emergency Fund
  • $50 to Christmas Savings
  • $10 to Vegas Savings (not really doing much with this account, just tired of seeing it at zero)
  • $30 to Slush Fund (the money is going to my hair appointment I have next week)
  • $30 to Nordstrom credit card

I thought about putting it all toward a credit card payment or all to the Emergency fund, but I decided that putting some in each account was a good idea and I'm even putting a little toward debt too.

I'll update later on my weekly spending and current balances.

- Bank Gal

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posted by Bank Gal at 10:03 AM |