Thursday, August 20, 2009
I've been really unhappy with my job for a long time now. I've been working for the same company, at the same office for almost four and a half years. I've become really restless and unhappy over the last year or year and a half. I'm in desperate need for a change and I'm seriously considering putting my resume out to different banks in my area.

I'm not worried about not being able to find another banking job, because I've been in banking for five years and I have quite a bit of experience. But I really feel like a change would be necessary. I'd like to work for a smaller bank or even possibly a credit union. Currently, I'm in sales, but I'd really prefer to be in operations or management. The fluctuation of my commission and constantly worrying about hitting my monthly goals is so stressful that I'd rather move into operations or management with a set, guaranteed salary. Sometimes the stress of commission is just not worth it.

Part of me is scared to put myself out there and make a change, but the other part of me that is so unhappy desperately needs something new, fresh, and different.

One of my co-workers recently took on a new position at a credit union, with higher pay, no uniforms (our bank we work for requires uniforms), and an easy Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm schedule. And it really has me considering a switch. I think this weekend I might scour all the banks in my area and submit my resume to them.

After all, you can't go anywhere in life without taking risks, right?

- Bank Gal

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posted by Bank Gal at 12:13 PM |


At 4:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
If you are unhappy--you should definitely look for something new! What the worst that could happen? You stay in your current job? I would make a list of banks or companies that you are interested in working for--whether they have an opening or not. Contact them and start the conversation about positions, etc. It never hurts to ask!! And you may be surprised what is available.

At 1:07 PM, Blogger DINKS said........
Oooh yeah I'd start looking around as well - the stress that comes from sales is crazy I'm sure. And like myprettypennies said, you could always just stay there if you don't find anything good :)

I still have working at a bank in my top 5 places to work one day, so I find it awesome you're in that field.