I had a pretty good weekend. I was off on Saturday and had no concrete plans except for a spa appointment I had booked weeks ago. Mom and I went to church on Sunday for the first time in forever, which was nice! Plus, I'm still fighting this stupid cold, so it was nice to relax. After I made my update on Friday, I did some additional spending, so I'm going to start with the rest of Friday's spending and update through Sunday.
Starting Balance = $761.98
Friday --
McDonalds: -$6.55
Saturday --
Coffee: -$1.59
Rite-Aid: -$27.61 ( Prescription, new shampoo, and gum )
Papa Murphy's: -$3.49
Hollywood Video: -$7.57 ( Usually I go to Blockbuster, but they didn't have the first season of Entourage, so I went to HV instead )
J's Credit Card: -$210 ( Since he's out of town and has no way to make a deposit, I'm putting money in his account to cover a credit card payment, but he's mailing me a check this week to pay me back )
T-Mobile: -$62.53
Starbucks: -$15.00 ( I have their Gold Card membership, so I like to put money on the card instead of using my debit card each time I go in there )
Sunday --
Victoria's Secret: -$51.00 ( Birthday present for my sis, plus a little something for me! )
Ending Balance: $376.64
I also took $70 out of my slush fund for the planned spa appointment that I made a few weeks ago and had budgeted for ahead of time. I know it seems silly to spend money on spa appointments, but it really does make me feel better.
I have plenty of money left in my budget for my insurance payment, gas to put in my car, dog food, and my Netflix bill. I'm going out to dinner with a co-worker/friend tonight. And tomorrow is my day off and I'm hoping to spend it relaxing by the pool with my mom.
I hope Monday goes by fast because I'm already itchin' for my day off tomorrow!
- Bank Gal