Starting Balance = $376.64
Monday --
Amex Payment: -$71.48
Blockbuster: -$4.99
Sushi for lunch: -$8.00
Dinner out w/a co-worker: -$13.00
Tuesday --
Wednesday --
Thursday --
Starbucks: -$8.21 (breakfast & lunch)
Gas: -$25
Fred Meyer: -$16.20 (gift bag and card for sister's b-day and new pens for work)
Friday --
Deposit: +$220
Transfer to Vegas Account: -$10
Transfer to Christmas Savings: -$50
Transfer to Slush Account: -$30
Transfer to Emergency Fund: -$100
Nordstrom Payment: -$30
Coffee: -$1.59
Subway: -$8.20 (lunch for me and a drink for a co-worker)
Ending Balance = $219.97
Still have enough money until the 31st to pay for insurance, Netflix, an
d get some dog food. Looking forward to my weekend, even though I have to work tomorrow. Below is also a snapshot of my current savings and debt balances.
Monday --
Amex Payment: -$71.48
Blockbuster: -$4.99
Sushi for lunch: -$8.00
Dinner out w/a co-worker: -$13.00
Tuesday --
Wednesday --
Thursday --
Starbucks: -$8.21 (breakfast & lunch)
Gas: -$25
Fred Meyer: -$16.20 (gift bag and card for sister's b-day and new pens for work)
Friday --
Deposit: +$220
Transfer to Vegas Account: -$10
Transfer to Christmas Savings: -$50
Transfer to Slush Account: -$30
Transfer to Emergency Fund: -$100
Nordstrom Payment: -$30
Coffee: -$1.59
Subway: -$8.20 (lunch for me and a drink for a co-worker)
Ending Balance = $219.97
Still have enough money until the 31st to pay for insurance, Netflix, an