I had a pretty good weekend. It was my little sister's 20th birthday on Sunday, so my family decided it'd be fun to go to Hooters. We actually had a blast! I had never been before, but it was pretty decent food and we took a lot of funny pictures. Anyway, here is how my spending looked this weekend:
Starting Balance = $219.97
Saturday --
Starbucks: -$6.61 (tea & breakfast)
Subway: -$14.15 (bought lunch for myself & my best friend)
New Wallet: -$9.74 (super cute & on sale!)
Sunday --
Dog Food: -$7.60
Starbucks: -$5.66 (tea & breakfast)
Netflix Membership: -$13.99
Ending Balance = $162.22
My insurance should be out of my account by the end of the week and that will leave me with about $45 until payday next Monday. That is definitely do-able since I skipped Starbucks this morning and I packed my lunch today; not only will it save me some money, but it's healthier too!
I'm lucky that at work we have some excellent coffee makers, so stopping to buy one isn't a temptation any longer.