Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I received a doctor bill for $180 the other day. So part of the money that I was going to put into my emergency fund I'm just going to leave the $180 in my checking account and then pay the doctor bill. =(

I've also decided to turn that old Vegas Account into a Wedding Account, since Joe & I are getting married in about 6 weeks. I won't put a lot in there, probably $200 to cover a few of the costs, but my parents are paying for most of it. Like I said before, it's going to be a super small, simple, but lovely ceremony. It'll probably cost less than $1,200, which is fine with me.

So the next time I make a post with my debt/savings, you'll see that some money has been moved around. =)

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posted by Bank Gal at 9:55 AM |


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