I'm going to try to make this as quick as possible. I was actually planning on going to bed early tonight, but then I decided I needed to balance my checkbook and check on some of my fave PF blogs. :) While I was at it, I thought I'd post a little update. I've included my debt and savings spreadsheet for you. I've increased my net worth by a little over $800 this month. While it's not a lot, it's certainly an improvement.
I've been going back and forth, back and forth between if I should I build up my emergency fund (which is currently at $475) or if I should put all my excess money to the BofA loan. I've decided to put everything toward the BofA loan. I am contributing a little each paycheck to savings and emergency fund, but not much. I'm making the minimum monthly payments on all my other debts and anything extra I'm putting toward BofA. As of this last paycheck, I had enough left over to put $200 extra principal to the BofA loan. And I'm planning on putting another $500 on it with my next paycheck.
I've put a lot toward the BofA loan already this year. The balance at the beginning of the year was close to $9,500. And now it's down to almost $6,000! That is a huge difference. Ideally, I'd really like to have the whole thing paid off by next June, but that means putting roughly $750 toward the BofA loan each month... it's quite a stretch. $500 is definitely more reasonable.
I'm also thrilled that my 401ks seem to be growing by leaps and bounds every time I check on them. They make my situations seem a little less depressing.
My car alerted me yesterday that my oil is due to be changed soon. I have a $50 Visa gift card that I'm going to use to pay for that instead of digging into my emergency fund. I'm very thankful I've kept that $50 Visa gift card instead of blowing it on pointless stuff!
With all the bills paid already, I have about $155 left until I get paid on the 30th. That should be plenty to last me until payday with some of it even left over.
Anyway, I'm off to bed. But I just wanted to give a little update. Night night!
- Bank Gal
Labels: 401k, bofa loan, debt, emergency fund, savings